"Akhir Shab Ke Humsafar" by Qurat Ul Ain Haider is a profound literary work that explores the complexities of human relationships and the socio-political landscape of South Asia. The novel...
Are We All Lemmings & Snowflakes by Holly Bourne is a thought-provoking young adult novel that explores mental health, individuality, and societal pressures through the story of Olive, a teenager...
"Friend of My Youth" by Alice Munro is a masterful collection of short stories that explore the intricacies of human relationships, memory, and the passage of time. Each story delves...
Noor: 25 Authentic Essays by Sonia Ali Abdul Karim Sheikh is a profound collection that explores a wide array of themes, including cultural identity, personal growth, and societal issues. The...
The Hidden: Fetcher's Song by Lian Tanner is an enchanting middle-grade novel that immerses readers in a richly imagined world where adventure and magic intertwine. The story follows the journey...